The Big Three

There are three major gases that have negative effects on our environment when released into the air. The first is carbon dioxide, which is released in small parts from people. A large amount however is emitted through the burning of fossil fuels. The second is methane which is discharged mostly from livestock. The third and final gas that I will touch on is chlorofluorocarbons. This gas has a deteriorating effect on our ozone layer that led to its ban in the use of refrigerators and aerosol sprays. All three of these gases are considered greenhouse gases, which reflect heat energy from the sun to back onto the earth causing it to heat up.

This warming of the planet is known as global warming, which leads to arctic and antarctic ice melting while also causing droughts due to uneven levels of evaporation and precipitation. I will touch on these two issues in greater detail later. With the biggest issue being carbon dioxide a few solutions would include electric vehicles and cleaner sources of energy.


  1. Hey Josh! This post is super interesting, but I do feel like it needs a little more. It kind of begins and ends suddenly, but that's something that you can always polish later on. It's a great start, though, and I think your topic is really interesting. Your writing flows pretty nicely, keep it up! :)

  2. Very interesting post! I hadn't much realized these gases emitted negative effects on the environment in all honesty, this post did a good job of making me aware of these gases.

  3. I liked this post, it is very informative and I learned a lot of new things from it! Thank you!

  4. Great post. I enjoyed how it was short, yet concise and gave a lot of details without rambling. Looking forward to hearing more!

  5. Its crazy how we are the generation that has gone through true global warming, Ice melting and the climate getting hotter and hotter each summer

  6. I think that this is good information that everyone should be aware of. I definitely learned something new from this. Great post!

  7. It was interesting hearing where all the different gasses come from.

  8. What an interesting post! It is very important for people to know the gases and their effects!

  9. Interesting, I didn't know that much about the gasses but you gave a great explanation.


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